We share the humor of South Park with you from this television show's episode, called " Grey Dawn". If you are having difficulty addressing safe driving with your parents or grandparents or senior loved one, know that you are not the first to have this challenge. Visit AARP's website to find a senior driver safety course near you. What to do if you think a Senior should not be driving: Caregiverlist's Safe Driving ChecklistĪARP Driver Safety Courses: as car features and driving laws change, this is an effective way to polish up on defensive driving techniques. Accelerated Renewalnone OtherProvisionsnone DMV Website Additional Information Special RequirementsNo special requirements for older drivers. Bioptic telescope permitted to meet acuity standard. Vision Tests20/50 better eye 20/70 in better eye with restrictions.

L.1989, c.326, s.2 amended 1997, c.189, s.2.Renewal Cycle4-year renewal cycle (10-year in person digitized photo licenses) TestsPeriodic vision retest. A licensee whose last address appears on the records of the division as a post office box shall change the address on the application for renewal to the street address of the licensee's residence or business and, if different from the street address, his mailing address unless the director has determined, pursuant to this section, that the licensee may use a post office box, an address other than the licensee's address or other contact point as a mailing address.

A post office box shall appear on a driver's license application only as part of a mailing address that is submitted by the licensee in addition to the street address of the licensee's residence or business provided, however, the director, upon application, shall permit a person who was a victim of a violation of N.J.S.2C:12-10, N.J.S.2C:14-2, or N.J.S.2C:25-17 et seq., or who the director otherwise determines to have good cause, to use as a mailing address a post office box, an address other than the applicant's address or other contact point. Each application for a driver's license, or a renewal thereof, required by R.S.39:3-10 shall contain the street address of the place of residence or business of the licensee at the time of application or renewal. NJ Rev Stat § 39:3-9b (2013) What's This?ģ9:3-9b Street address on driver's license exception.Ģ.